How To Network Effectively

Nowadays, the saying of “who you know” as opposed to “what you know” is what society has drilled into us. Today, networking has become so imperative, it has been the catalyst that provides one’s success.

Which begs the question, how does one network?

Here are five tips to keep in mind when networking:

Networking from Clever Talks conference

Networking from Clever Talks conference

Solidify Your Goals

With so many networking events out there, it is easy to get overwhelmed and not know which one is right for you. Take a minute to solidify your goals and what takeaway you want to walk away with. Having a goal in mind will provide you with a purpose as to why you are attending the event.

Attend the RIGHT Events

After solidifying your goals, attend the RIGHT events that align with your purpose. If your purpose is to look for a job, attend a job fair networking event. If you are an event planner looking to connect with vendors, attend a convention. Attending an event that aligns with your goals and purposes will provide you the right path to the right network.

Dress to Impress

Make a good first impression by dressing professionally. Let executives know that you mean business by dressing the part. Bring out that blazer and slap on that smile, to shine in a room full of people.  

Share Information

Take the opportunity to share your contact information with others. If you don’t have business cards handy, don’t fret you can still get the necessary information by:

  • Sharing Numbers

  • Sharing Email Addresses

  • Sharing Social Media accounts

By getting two channels of communication, you increase the chances of keeping in touch in the future.

Get Personal

In addition to sharing information, don’t be afraid to share a personal story. Share the funny experience you had while walking your dog the other night, or recommend a local cafe to a fellow coffee lover. Getting personal will allow the connections a solid foundation to grow from.

Written by: Valerie Tatunay, Public Relations Coordinator


As the Public Relations Coordinator at Lavi PR, with a passion for storytelling, Valerie enjoys the art of creating content. When she is not writing, you can find her exploring America’s Finest City with her four dogs.

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